Have you ever wanted to do some shopping around the city but are worried that you will be viewed as walking ATM because of your skin color? I am well aware of the "mzungu price" (white persons price) often given to visitors because of the seller's assumption that the person has a lot of money. I believe though, that you should be able to enjoy shopping without constantly worrying about getting ripped off or having to struggle with ridiculous prices. For this reason I have introduced "We love shopping" tours to assist in your purchases while providing tips and local knowledge so that you can get a good price both this time and the next time you do it alone. Many travellesrs simply have no idea how low they can bargain the amount they pay, but I am here to show you how.
African fabrics. |
Downtown Owino, busy checking out some second-hand caps. |
As a native Ugandan, I know all the good spots where you can find fair prices for high quality goods. In this case, the choice is all yours, tell me what you are interested in buying and I will take you there. Whether it is souvenirs, farming products, clothes, fabric, beads, cushions and chair pads, furniture or electronics, I know where to go.
Colorful pasta and spices. |
Buying some avocados, Uganda is known to have some of the biggest, tastiest avocados in the world! |
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We have lots of these in Uganda, and they are delicious! |
So the next time you are shopping, reach out to me and let us enjoy the experience together. Former South African President Nelson Mandela once said," If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart". Rest assured on this shopping tour, you will learn to ask the sellers for a price of a product in their language. By doing so you will touch their hearts, which will keep them from asking for a price that will hit your wallet!
Chair pads look beautiful when covered with African cloth. |
Cushion and chair pad. |
The final product was ready only two hours after placing the order! |
Well that is it for now. I hope to see you around, ladies, for some retail therapy-African style. (Though men are more than welcome on the shopping tours as well).